Results for ' E. Riedel'

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  1. Between Tradition and Revolution: The Hegelian Transformation of Political by Walter E. Wright Manfred Riedel - 1984
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    Natur und Geschichte: Karl Löwith zum 70. Geburstag.Hermann Braun, Manfred Riedel, H. Plessner, E. Biser, E. Bloch & K. K. Cho - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (3):460-462.
  3. Libertà e responsabilità. Due concetti fondamentali dell’etica comunicativa.M. Riedel - 1980 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 9 (1-2):109-129.
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  4. "Il fuoco è il tempo". Hegel, Eraclito e la fisica moderna.Manfred Riedel - 1993 - Studi Filosofici 16:153.
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    Pflege und assistierter Suizid: gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und ethische Implikationen – Denkanstöße für Profession und Gesellschaft (15. August 2022). [REVIEW]Annette Riedel, Constanze Giese, Marianne Rabe & Stefan Böck - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (4):709-714.
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  6. "Critica della ragion pura" e linguaggio. Il problema delle categorie in Kant.Manfred Riedel - 1982 - Rivista di Filosofia 24:297.
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    Fra mito e scienza: lʼinizio della filosofia greca.Manfred Riedel - 1986 - Guida (Napoli).
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    Filosofia e società in Hegel.Leo Lugarini, Manfred Riedel, Remo Bodei & Franco Chiereghin - 1977 - Ass. Trentina di Scienze Umane.
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    Etablierung von Pflegekammern in Deutschland – Professionelle Verantwortung und gesellschaftliche Notwendigkeit: Konsentierte gemeinsame Stellungnahme der beiden Arbeitsgruppen „Pflege und Ethik I“ und „Pflege und Ethik II“ in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin (AEM) e. V.Constanze Giese, Andrea Kuhn, Sonja Lehmeyer, Wolfgang Pasch, Annette Riedel, Lutz Schütze & Stephanie Wullf - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (1):105-110.
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    Pensar em opostos: a crítica cultural de Friedrich Schiller e Friedrich Nietzsche.Arno Gimber - 2020 - Cadernos Nietzsche 41 (1):63-82.
    Resumo O entendimento de Friedrich Nietzsche sobre Friedrich Schiller é bem conhecido e culmina em 1888, na desqualificação que se tem com “Schiller: ou o trompetista moral de Säckingen”. Mas é sabido que suas considerações são contraditórias, mudando com frequência nas diferentes etapas de sua vida produtiva. A monografia de Nicholas Martin marca um ponto de viragem no que diz respeito a este tema, refutando a disseminada compreensão de que somente o jovem Nietzsche teria experimentado admiração por Schiller, depois vindo (...)
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  11. Natur und Geschichte.Karl Löwith (ed.) - 1937 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
    Glaubensbegrun̈dung ais Wahrheitsgeschehen, voir E. Biser.--Epikur und Karl Marx oder ein subjektiver Faktor im Fall der Atome, von E. bloch.--Empirismus in der Transzsndentalphilosophie von H. Braun.--Gedanken abselts der dichotomlschen Welterklar̀ung,von K. K. Cho.--Nietzsches Kritik der Moral und die Ansaẗze der existenzphilosophischer Ethik, von H. Fahrenbach.--Hegel ub̈er Nutzen und Nachtell der Philosophie fur̈ den Staart, von H. F. Fjulda.--Anmerkungen zu dem Thema "Hegel und Habermas.----von GH. G. Gadamer.--Arbeit und Internktion, von J. Habermas.--Zwischen Natur und Geschichte, von S. Hosoya.--Das Ende der Unendlichkelt. (...)
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  12. What is Life.E. Schrodincer - forthcoming - Mind and Matter.
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  13. Metaphysics as the Science of Essence.E. J. Lowe - 2018 - In Alexander Carruth, Sophie C. Gibb & John Heil (eds.), Ontology, Modality, and Mind: Themes From the Metaphysics of E. J. Lowe. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 14-34.
    If metaphysics is centrally concerned with charting the domain of the possible, the only coherent account of the ground of metaphysical possibility and of our capacity for modal knowledge is to be found in a version of essentialism: a version that I call serious essentialism, to distinguish it from certain other views which may superficially appear very similar to it but which, in fact, differ from it fundamentally in certain crucial respects. This version of essentialism eschews any appeal whatever to (...)
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    Saúde Comunitária: conhecimentos e experiências na América Latina.Anamélia Lins E. Silva Franco - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:235-237.
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    Body parts: Property rights and the ownership of human biological materials.E. Richard Gold & Russell Scott - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (3):250-252.
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  16. Indiscernables and the Absolute Theory of Space and Time.E. J. Khamara - 1988 - Studia Leibnitiana 20 (2):140-159.
    Cet article est un nouvel examen des objections soulevées par Leibniz dans la controverse avec Clarke contre la théorie absolutiste de l'espace et du temps. Or la plupart de ces objections sont fondées sur le principe de raison suffisante; mais Leibniz utilise aussi le principe de l'identité des indiscernables, qu'il prétend déduire du principe de raison suffisante . Ce qui m'intéresse c'est que Leibniz présente parfois deux versions de la même objection: l'une reposant uniquement sur le principe de raison suffisante, (...)
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  17. Smysl i granit︠s︡y chelovecheskoĭ dukhovnosti: (filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskoe ėsse).V. E. Gromov - 2005 - Dnepropetrovsk: Nat︠s︡īonalʹniĭ gīrnichiĭ unīversitet.
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    Between Tradition and Revolution. [REVIEW]M. W. Jackson - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (2):205-206.
    Hegel transformed political philosophy in distinguishing between civil society and the state. That is Riedel’s thesis. Riedel reads Hegel in the context of the preceding and contemporary writers to whom Hegel responded, e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Rousseau, Haller, Wolff, Thomasius, and Kant. In the tradition composed of such writers, civil society was the state and vice versa. In light of the English industrial revolution and the French political revolution, Hegel concluded that this identity was untenable. Riedel traces (...)
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  19. Real and Abstract Analysis.E. Hewitt - 1965
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  20. The Calling of Sociology and Other Essays on the Pursuit of Learning.E. SHILS - 1980
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    Ideals, oughts, and regulatory focus.E. Tory Higgins - 1996 - In Peter M. Gollwitzer & John A. Bargh (eds.), The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior. Guilford. pp. 91--114.
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    Logica matematica, storia E filosofia Della logica.Storia E. Filosofia Della Logica - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi (eds.), Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino.
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  23. Lógica da invenção e outros ensaios.M. Rocha E. Silva - 1965 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria São José.
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  24. Gorgias and Republic.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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    Generalizability: beyond plausibility and handwaving.E. Shahar - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):151-159.
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  26. Parmenides.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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  27. Ueber das Princip Der Vergleichung in der Physik.E. Mach - 1895 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 39:306-308.
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    A mulher no pedestal: representações de feminilidade e cristianismo na escrita masculina do periódico ouro-pretano O Noticiador de Minas.Matheus Da Cruz E. Zica - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35).
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  29. The Human Metaphor.E. Sewell - 1964
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  30. An Analysis of Three Studies of Pictorial Representation: M. C. Beardsley, E. H. Gombrich, and L. Wittgenstein.George E. Yoos - 1971 - Dissertation, University of Missouri - Columbia
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  31. Distribuzione di elementi traccia (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd) in tessuti di uccelli selvatici della laguna di Venezia e delle ville del Quaderno.G. Andreani, E. Carpené, R. Serra, M. Kinde, R. Magni & G. Isami - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  32. Partiĭnostʹ kak ėsteticheskai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡.D. E. Donskoĭ - 1980 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by P. A. Nikolaev.
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  34. The Orphic Voice.E. SEWELL - 1960
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  35. Justification before knowledge?E. J. Coffman - manuscript
    This paper assesses several prominent recent attacks on the view that epistemic justification is conceptually prior to knowledge. I argue that this view—call it the Received View (RV)—emerges from these attacks unscathed. I start with Timothy Williamson’s two strongest arguments for the claim that all evidence is knowledge (E>K), which impugns RV when combined with the claim that justification depends on evidence. One of Williamson’s arguments assumes a false epistemic closure principle; the other misses some alternative (to E>K) explanations of (...)
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    L'aphasie de broca.E. Goblot - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:639 - 648.
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    The mind: consciousness, prediction, and the brain.E. Bruce Goldstein - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    This book is about the mind and its connection to the brain. The first two chapters discuss the basic characteristics of the mind, and places it in historical context by noting trends in popular culture, and various people's ideas about the mind. This discussion ends by concluding that the most fruitful approach to studying the mind is a scientific approach that looks for connections between the mind and the brain. The last four chapters focus on the following specific principles: The (...)
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    The making of the modern face: cosmetic surgery.E. Haiken - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67 (1):81.
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    Lessons from a slave doctor of 1841.E. C. Halperin - 2013 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 76 (1):10.
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  40. Baker's Dictionary of Theology.E. F. Harrison, G. W. Bromiley & C. F. Henry - 1960
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  41. The Book of Daniel, Introduction and Commentary.E. W. Heaton - 1956
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  42. Spindel Conference 2001 Origins: The Common Sources of the Analytic and Phenomenological Traditions.E. M. Horgan, John Tienson & Matjaz Potrc - 2002 - University of Memphis.
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  43. Logic and Knowledge.E. Ippoliti & C. Cellucci E. Grosholz (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  44. The Casimir effect and the interpretation of the vacuum.E. S., H. Zinkernagel & Y. T. - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30 (1):111-139.
    The Casimir force between two neutral metallic plates is often considered conclusive evidence for the reality of electromagnetic zero-point fluctuations in 'empty space' (i.e. in absence of any boundaries). However, it is not well known that the Casimir force can be derived from many different points of view. The purpose of this note is to supply a conceptually oriented introduction to a representative set of these different interpretations. The different accounts suggest that the Casimir effect reveals nothing conclusive about the (...)
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  45. Poėticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ russkogo kosmizma: uchenie, ėstetika, poėtika.Ė. A. Balʹburov - 2003 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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  46. Exploring the Depth of Dream Experience: The Enactive Framework and Methods for Neurophenomenological Research.E. Solomonova & X. W. Sha - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):407-416.
    Context: Phenomenology and the enactive approach pose a unique challenge to dream research: during sleep one seems to be relatively disconnected from both world and body. Movement and perception, prerequisites for sensorimotor subjectivity, are restricted; the dreamer’s experience is turned inwards. In cognitive neurosciences, on the other hand, the generally accepted approach holds that dream formation is a direct result of neural activations in the absence of perception, and dreaming is often equated with “delusions.” Problem: Can enactivism and phenomenology account (...)
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    The Essential Gombrich.E. H. Gombrich & Richard Woodfield - 1996 - Phaidon Press.
    An accessible selection of Professor Gombrich's best and most characteristic writing.
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  48. Hume natural beliefs and Reid principles of common-sense.E. Griffincollart - 1976 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 30 (115):126-142.
  49. Benno Artmann, euclid-the creation of mathematics.E. R. Grosholz - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (2):246-247.
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    Behavioral paradigm for a psychological resolution of the free will issue.E. Rae Harcum - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 93 (1):93-114.
    This study provides data for a behavioral paradigm to resolve the free will issue in psychological terms. As predicted, college students selecting among many alternative responses consistently selected according to experimental set, environmental conditions, past experiences and other unknown factors. These explained and unexplained causal factors supplement one another and make varying relative contributions to different behaviors - the Principle of Behavioral Supplementarity. The more psychologically remote the causal factors, the greater proportion of unexplained ones relative to explained ones - (...)
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